Creating an incentive program from scratch by yourself can be overwhelming. It's a ton of work - E2 gets that! One thing we see all too often with new clients is the impact of what happens after the program is up and running.
You put months (sometimes years) of work into building the perfect program. Once it's up and just right, there's a lot of temptation to set it to auto-pilot and let it run by itself.
The problem with this is, it doesn't take long for all that hard work to unravel. Reward programs take constant monitoring - are the participants engaged? Is the ROI going to appeal to upper management? Is the UX satisfactory? Often times you can start to see issues coming before they become real issues. Then you can change course before it impacts the experience.
You wouldn't turn auto-pilot on your boat through an unexpected storm. Don't turn auto-pilot on for your rewards program, either.
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Reach out to us and let's talk through them.
"Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves."
Steve Jobs